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Nov 16, 2015


Featuring:  Booze, Beardo, Chuck Turtleman
Producer: Beardo, Turtleman, Booze

Waaaaaatson up, my honkies???

Strap a deerstalker on your bonce and prepare yourself a nice juicy seven percent solution, it’s time for an all-new, very special, three pipe episode of Sweet Feathery Jesus!

Chuck has a new favorite smartphone-based video game, which apparently involves the widespread application of hand lotion, and criminal suspects of a bizarrely uniform range of heights. Oi Me Colon (Mum, Try Up!) is thankfully no more, but Booze has found a replacement, as SFJ now owns the exclusive audio podcast serialization rights to a brand-new biography of a current, modern-day superstar actress.

Beardo is back, blasting #Belascopaths and bigots on his news didgeridoo. Chuck takes up the newscopter for another suspiciously monkey-free News Round (although, don’t fret, there are Chinese Chinapeople aplenty).

All this, another triumphant return of Dicky’s ‘Just The Tip’, plenty of casual racism and a Stefano mystery for you to solve, on this very special episode of SFJ.

The game is afoot! So stick it in your ear.

(Shirley MacLaine is played by Gravy Hayes.)


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